Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Study Guide with Practice Test Questions
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- Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Study Guide with Practice Test Questions
Take the Guesswork out of Passing Your Test of Adult Basic Education!

Jennifer and Amy are students. And the both need to pass the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE).
Jennifer had always been a good student. She did okay on tests in High School, when she attended, and figured the TABE would be like that. She fit in some studying (in between her favorite TV shows). But as the test date approached, she got a nagging feeling that she should be doing more. When she got her scores, Jennifer had been proficient in some areas, but scored very low in Language which had always been one of her strongest subjects. She was also surprised at how unprepared she was for the Reading section.
Amy, on the other hand, knew she had never been a great test taker. In fact, she had always found them stressful. She had to work very hard to get the grades she got. She knew that “seeing” what the test looked like would boost her confidence. Armed with practice tests and a focused study guide, Amy quickly realized she knew more than she thought and was able to focus on the areas where she needed help. When she took the test, she scored proficient or higher in every area.
Why did Amy succeed when Jennifer struggled, and how can you ensure that you have that same success?
With the Right Preparation, You can Pass on the First Try!
In our example, Jennifer may still reach her goal, but she will have spent more time than she needed to. On the other hand Amy, by realizing her strengths and weaknesses, was applying critical thinking to her test preparation. As a result, she met her goal the first time.
At Complete Test Preparation, Inc., we specialize in creating study aids that are painstakingly designed to the specific test you are preparing for. Members of our team combine years of teaching experience, with experienced writers and editors, all with advanced degrees (Masters or higher)
As a result, we can offer several important benefits as you prepare to take the TABE.
Study Smarter, Not Harder!
Like any test, your degree of success on the TABE depends largely on knowing how to study for it. Now, I’m not talking about burning the candle at both ends. In fact, our goal is to have you studying less not more. Nor are we asking you to spend hundreds of dollars on study guides. Our material is available for a less than the cost of a good pair of running shoes … more on that in a moment.

Practice Makes Perfect
Amy understood the same thing that many successful TABE takers understand. The more questions you see, the more likely you are to pass the test. And between our study guide and practice tests, you’ll have over 200 practice questions that cover every category. You can fine-tune your knowledge in areas where you feel comfortable and be more efficient in improving your problem areas.
Our test has been developed by our dedicated team of experts. All the material in the study guide, including every practice question, is designed to engage the critical thinking skills that are needed to pass the TABE Exam. They will not be the exact same questions you’ll find on the exam, but they are similar.
And like the TABE exam, the practice tests are weighted differently so you will be exposed to questions in all areas.
Yes, I Want To Do Everything I Can To Pass My TABE Exam On The First Try! How Do I Get Started?
Simply click on the link provided to take your first step towards TABE success!
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Includes hundreds of pages of Tutorials, Self-Assessments, 2 sets of practice test questions for reading, computational math, applied math, English grammar, usage, punctuation and more!
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Date Published: Friday, May 16th, 2014
Date Modified: Monday, April 29th, 2024