
Taking the CAEL? We can Help! Complete CAEL Test Preparation!

Test information, online course, practice questions, test strategy, online practice


The CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language) test is designed to measure your command of Canadian English, at the academic level.  The test is administered by Paragon Testing.

Around 185 Canadian universities and colleges consider the CAEL as proof of English language proficiency at academic level, and accept it for their admission program.


The CAEL scores are presented in 4 components: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The scores are given according to a descriptive statement, being the lowest band level 10 and the highest band level 90.

Scores of 70 to 90 indicates that the student meets the minimum English requirements, from 50 to 60 indicates the student meets entry requirements for some universities, and from 10 to 40 indicates that the students doesn’t have the abilities to effectibly communicate in an academic context.

The score report is ready about 10 to 15 business days after the test date, and for the international test service it takes up to 20 business days after the test date. The score report can be sent to the 5 universities indicated by the student when registering.

How to Register

The registration process is made online through the CAEL’S website, ( you can select the test center,  date and the time for the test. The cost of the test varies according to the province and test center, but generally costs between $200 and $300 CAD.

If you can’t attend to the test date or location you have selected,  you can request cancellation  9 days before the test date, and you’ll get 50% of refund.

Retaking the Test

It’s possible to retake the test, after a 30 day waiting period.  You must re-take the entire test.

The CAEL has 2 sections – Written, which includes, Reading, Listening and and Essay questions, and a Spoken section. CAEL practice test questions below


Reading Part 1 (25 minutes) and Reading Part2 (30 minutes): the texts are drawn from first-year university textbooks, academic articles, newspaper articles, graphs, charts and official documents. The tasks include identifying main ideas, extracting general and specific information, vocabulary in context, and following a sequence of events.


Listening (20 minutes): this section assesses the student’s abilities to understand the spoken language and the recording is played only once. It allows to take notes while listening the audio and the tasks include identifying main ideas, sequencing information and filling in the blanks according to the given information.


Writing (45 minutes): this is the last section of the test, and it consists on an essay, using a topic indicated at the beginning of the test and information given in the previous sections of the test.

Integrated Reading

One or two short reading passages with comprehension questions
One or two long reading passages with comprehension questions

Integrated Listening

  • One or two short listening passages with comprehension questions
  • One or two long listening passages with comprehension questions


CAEL Writing

One writing question with an extended response, using material from both the previous reading and listening passages

CAEL Multiple Choice Test Strategy – PDF Download

 CAEL Test Strategy! Learn and practice multiple choice strategies!  15 test strategies with CAEL practice test questions!

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CAEL Practice Test Questions Online

CAEL study practice APP

Complete Study practice test questions with hundreds of practice test questions, tutorials and more!  Includes listening comprehension with full audio.

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Date Published: Monday, October 1st, 2018
Date Modified: Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

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