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High School Exams


Canadian GED

Complete Test preparation for the Canadian GED test, study guides, practice tests, and online course.

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Passing the Canadian GED test will give your a credential that is widely recognized as equivalent to a high school diploma. This credential can be used to apply for jobs, enroll in post-secondary education, or meet other requirements that require a high school diploma.

The Canadian GED test is a valuable option if you did not complete high school but wish to have an equivalent credential, and open new opportunities for the future.

Canadian Adult Achievement Test

The CAAT is for individuals who are at least 18 years old and have completed high school, although it can also be used for individuals who did not complete high school. The CAAT is used by colleges, universities, and other organizations to assess adult learners for post-secondary education or job training programs.

Complete preparation for the CAAT, study guides, practice tests, and online course.

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The CAAT has four subtests: Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Language, and Vocabulary.

California High School Proficiency Exam

The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) measures the skills and knowledge at the high school level. You must be at least 16, not completed high school.

Complete CHSPE test preparation including, study guide, math workbook, online course and free CHSPE practice questions.

The CHSPE consists of two sections: Language Arts and Mathematics. The Language Arts section includes reading and writing tasks, while the Mathematics section covers topics such as algebra, geometry, and statistics. The test is multiple-choice and is offered in both English and Spanish.

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Nelson Denny

The Nelson-Denny Reading Test measures reading comprehension and vocabulary. The test is used by colleges, universities, and other organizations, especially police departments to assess the reading abilities for academic and career purposes.

The Nelson Denny Vocabulary section measures ability to understand and use words in context, and the Reading Comprehension section measures reading ability.

Complete Nelson Denny test preparation – practice questions, study guide, online course and test information

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Online Courses

Provincial Achievement Tests

Provincial assessments, or Provincial Achievement Tests are exams by the provincial authorities to measure the development of the educative system in each territory independently. These examinations are designed to assess the student’s knowledge in certain fields, which differs by Province, although they are very similar.

The structure of the test varies according to Provincial regulations, but it generally evaluates mathematics and English.

The test scores count toward final grades, which means that they also have an impact on student’s chances of getting into college.

In most provinces these tests are offered in both Official Languages, English and French.  Learn More >>>

Alberta Provincial Achievement Test Strategy        BC Provincial Test

Increase your Score with Multiple Choice Strategies

The complete guide to multiple choice!

Discover 15 secret strategies that will raise your score on any multiple choice exam regardless of the subject.

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