
About Complete Test Preparation Inc.

Why Us?
The Complete Test Preparation Team has been publishing high quality study materials since 2005, with a catalog of over 130 Test Preparation titles, in English, French, Spanish and Chinese, as well as over 100 titles of ESL curriculum for all levels.

Thousands students have visit our websites every month, and thousands of students, teachers and parents all over the world (over 100 countries) have purchased our ESL teaching materials, curriculum, study guides and practice tests.  Our resources are designed to help you get the education and into a promising career.

Members of our team combine years of teaching experience, with experienced writers and editors, all with advanced degrees.

And the best part?
With every purchase, you’re helping people all over the world improve themselves and their education. So thank you in advance for supporting this mission with us! Together, we are truly making a difference in the lives of those often forgotten by the system.  Charities that we support  and here

You have definitely come to the right place.
If you want to spend your valuable study time where it will help you the most – we’ve got you covered today and tomorrow.

Available in all formats

  • Amazon paperback
  • Independent bookstores
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  • Online Courses
  • PDF Download

Titles available in 

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Chinese