
About the Test

The Written Communication Proficiency Test (WCPT) is used to assess a test-taker’s ability to communicate effectively in writing.  This includes the use of correct grammar and syntax, ability to organize and structure writing in a clear and logical manner, write in a clear and concise style, use appropriate tone and formatting for the intended audience and purpose, and analyze and synthesize information.

It is used to evaluate candidates for Officer-level employees, managers who must write letters, memos, reports or other documents, and express themselves concisely.

The WCPT may be administered in person or online, and takes 1-2 hours to complete.

What’s on the Test

There are 50 questions, including:

  • Identifying grammar mistakes
  • Choosing the best title for a passage
  • Sentence and paragraph order
  • Summarizing
  • Punctuation
  • Vocabulary
  • English usage
  • Avoiding wordiness and redundancy
  • Main idea and details

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WCPT is part of these tests

Canadian Corrections Officer 


Test Tips

This is a multiple choice test – how to answer multiple choice

This is a timed test – Managing your time on a test

WCPT Study Practice Course. Includes tutorials, quizzes, timed tests, practice questions, how to take a test, and self-assessments. Includes practice test questions for reading comprehension, ordering sentences and paragraphs, grammar, usage, punctutation and more!

Includes hundreds of pages of Tutorials, Self-Assessments, 2 sets of practice test questions, multiple choice strategy, complete guide to taking a test, and hundreds of practice test questions for all content!

Online Course FREE Quiz

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Date Published: Friday, March 27th, 2020
Date Modified: Thursday, April 25th, 2024