Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test – Levels 8 and 9 – Verbal Analogies Practice
Verbal Analogies Practice Questions
1. Cat is to Meow as Dog is to:
A. Bark
B. Purr
C. Moo
D. Chirp
2. Bird is to Fly as Fish is to:
A. Jump
B. Run
C. Swim
D. Hop
3. Sun is to Day as Moon is to:
A. Morning
B. Night
C. Afternoon
D. Evening
4. Apple is to Fruit as Carrot is to:
A. Meat
B. Dairy
C. Vegetable
D. Grain
5. Book is to Read as Piano is to:
A. Write
B. Draw
C. Sing
D. Play
6. Tree is to Leaf as Flower is to:
A. Root
B. Petal
C. Branch
D. Trunk
7. Ice is to Cold as Fire is to:
A. Wet
B. Hot
C. Soft
D. Sweet
8. Clock is to Time as Thermometer is to:
A. Weather
B. Speed
C. Temperature
D. Distance
9. Chair is to Sit as Bed is to:
A. Eat
B. Sleep
C. Walk
D. Run
10. Bike is to Ride as Boat is to:
A. Fly
B. Sail
C. Drive
D. Hop
CCAT Verbal Analogies Answer Key
1. A Bark
Cats make a “meow” sound, and dogs make a “bark” sound.
2. C Swim
Birds fly in the air, and fish swim in the water.
3. B Night
The sun is out during the day, and the moon is out during the night.
4. C Vegetable
An apple is a type of fruit, and a carrot is a type of vegetable.
5. D Play
You read a book, and you play a piano.
6. B Petal
A leaf is part of a tree, and a petal is part of a flower.
7. B Hot
Ice is cold, and fire is hot.
8. C Temperature
A clock measures time, and a thermometer measures temperature.
9. B Sleep
You sit on a chair, and you sleep on a bed.
10. B Sail
You ride a bike, and you sail a boat.
CCAT Levels
Date Published: Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Date Modified: Saturday, August 31st, 2024