Canada Security Guard Test practice questions prepared by our dedicated team of exam experts!
For Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba security guard.
Everything you need to pass the Security Guard Test!
Over 180 Practice Questions with full answer key! Including detailed answer key explaining why the answer is correct – and why the other choices are incorrect!
Includes questions for:
- Introduction to the Security Industry
- The Act and Code of Conduct
- Basic Security Procedures
- Emergency Response Preparation
- The Canadian Legal System
- Legal Authorities
- Communication Skills
- Use of Force Theory
Special Bonus chapters on How to Write a Report! Includes practice questions on
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- English Usage
- Spelling
Plus example reports and realistic scenarios to practice report writing with suggested answers!
Please note that the Security Guard testing and certification is administered by provincial governments in Canada, who are not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
All material presented here is for SKILL PRACTICE ONLY.
Practice Makes Perfect
The more questions you see, the more likely you are to pass the test. And between our study guide and practice tests, you’ll have over 500 practice questions that cover every category.  You can fine-tune your knowledge in areas where you feel comfortable and be more efficient in improving your problem areas.
Our test has been developed by our dedicated team of experts. All the material in the study guide, including every practice question, is designed to engage the critical thinking skills that are needed to pass the Security Guard Test. They will not be the exact same questions you’ll find on the exam, but they are similar.
And like the real exam, the practice tests are weighted differently so you will be exposed to questions in all areas.
If you are like most people you have probably made some of these fatal study mistakes:
Study Mistake #1
Scavenger hunts online to find ‘free’ test questions. We have all done this and really know what happens – hours and hours of surfing, pages and pages of print outs, missing pages, questionable results, and hours of wasted time that you could have spent studying!
Consider this – What is your hourly rate? How much time did you spend trolling the Internet and what did you really get? If you are like most people, when you really look at what you got, you are disappointed.
If you are like most people you start out doing a questions scavenger hunt and then quickly realize it is a complete waste of time, so you buy this study guide and start practicing right away.
You want everything in one place!
Study Mistake #2
Studying everything that could possibly be on the test. Many students start off trying this and I did too. And if you are like most people, you start off with high hopes of studying EVERYTHING but quickly realize it is impossible to study everything.
Study Mistake #3
Traditional test preparation methods. Consider this – if smart people who know their stuff still fail, then something must be wrong with the ‘traditional’ way of doing things.
You are right and yes there is! Taking a big test, with your certification as a Security Guard is riding on the results is pretty stressful and even if you know your stuff you can still fail. Which in itself is a pretty scary thought!
You don’t want to miss out on $31,000+ per year! Â
You want a complete guide to the practice test package prepared by experts.
Imagine how you would feel if you took arrived at the exam and freaked out and couldn’t think straight! This is no joke and it happens to lots of people – BUT it doesn’t have to happen to you!
Other study mistakes
– freaking out, procrastinating, delay, denial, leaving it to the last minute …. maybe you have a few more to add to my list!
You want to avoid all these Study Mistakes! And why take a chance when your job and $31,000 is on the line?
Why take chances? Doesn’t it make sense to do everything possible to pass the test?
Canadian Security Guard Practice – PDF Download$19.99 GST ( For Canadian Residents only)
Canada Security Guard Test practice questions prepared by our dedicated team of exam experts!
For Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba security guard.
Everything you need to pass the Security Guard Test!
Canadian Security Guard Practice – Interactive Online Course$24.99 GST ( For Canadian Residents only)
Canada Security Guard Test practice questions prepared by our dedicated team of exam experts!
For Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba security guard.
Everything you need to pass the Security Guard Test!
Noah –
This has been a great help. I feel very prepared for the test
Adella –
VEry good – comprehensive and easy to navigate
Rob –
Very general but still helpful
Joel –
missing a few types of questions i think? but still good