
CELPIP Writing Prompts

The CELPIP writing evaluates your ability to communicate effectively in written English different tasks.   Here are some sample CELPIP Writing prompts for writing an exmail.

You are given a prompt and a scenario.  Your email may be formal or informal, and should be between 150-200 words.  You are given 27 minutes to complete.


Writing Prompts – Wrting an Email Task

  1. Making a Complaint to a Service Provider
    • Description: You’ve recently had poor service.
    • Question: Write to the company detailing the service you received.   One optio0n is to request a refund, or you can write to make them aware.
  2. Inviting a Friend to an event
    • Description: You’re hosting a cultural event at your home.
    • Question: Write to your friend inviting them to your event.  Make sure to include details about the date, time, and activities planned.
  3. Request Information about a Course
    • Description: You’re interested in enrolling in a course at a local college.
    • Question: Write to the admissions office inquiring about the course details, prerequisites, and enrollment process.
  4. Apologizing 
    • Description: You missed an important meeting at work.
    • Question: Write to your colleague apologizing and explaining the reason.
  5. Feedback to a Restaurant
    • Description: You were recently dissatisfied with the service and/or food at a local resturant.
    • Question: Write an email to the manager providing detaled feedback and suggesting improvements.

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Date Published: Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
Date Modified: Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
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