
CCAT Grade 3 Test

Students in wish to join their school’s gifted and talented program in 3rd grade will need to successfully take the CCAT 3rd grade test. This test is also called the CCAT Level 9 as it is taken by children who are 9 years old. This test measures a child’s abilities in quantitative, verbal, and nonverbal tests. The test is based on general knowledge therefore does not include what they do in school. The test is structured to assess the child’s ability to pick new concepts and ideas.

Questions are not read out to candidates rather; they will have to read printed instructions by themselves. At this level, test-takers are expected to have significantly built their verbal skills therefore the verbal section will have equal importance as the other sections. This is a difficult test, but with proper preparation your child has a much better chance of passing the test.

CCAT Grade 3 Practice and Test Packages

CCAT 3 Online Course

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CCAT Grade 3 Test Contents and Practice

Grade 3 CCAT Practice – Verbal Battery



CCAT vocabulary practice

Sentence Completion

CCAT Sentence Completion Practice – Grades 2 & 3

Verbal Analogies

CCAT Grade 2 3 Analogies –

Verbal Analogies practiceGrades 2 and 3

Picture Analogies

In this subsection, candidates will be presented with three pictures, with the first two carrying a particular relationship. The same relationship will be reflected on the third image. Candidates must determine the relationship, and apply it to the third picture, and select the matching image.



Picture analogies practice



1. When the two longest sides touch what will the shape be?






2. When folded, what pattern is possible?





3. When folded into a loop, what will the strip of paper look like?


Answer Key

1. D
There is some confusion about this question.  Viewed from the side it will still have a flat top (Choice D).  If the longest side came to a point, then when the 2 sides touch, it would be a cone (Choice C).
2. A
3. C

Folding Practice Questions


Directions: In each of the following questions, select the choice that does not belong with the other three.




Answer Key

1. C
All signs are directional road signs except choice C

2. A
All figures are film or movie related except choice A.

3. B
Choice B has 3 prongs and a half rectangle in the upper portion.

Nonverbal Battery

Figure Matrices

Test-takers are given a box containing cells divided into two rows. The initial two cells have matching shapes. The second row of paired cells will have one shape belonging to one of the answers. The candidate has to determine how the initial shapes go together and apply that relationship to solve the problem.

Figure Classification

Test-takers will see three images following a predetermined rule. The candidate will have to determine the rule and select a fourth shape from the multiple choices following the rule.

Figure Classification Practice Questions

Quantitative Battery

Number series

Number series
The number series section of the Quantitative Battery of the CCAT test assesses students’ ability to recognize number patterns and sequences. These questions are given a series of numbers and are required to determine which of the choices complete the series based on the pattern.
This section is designed to measure numerical reasoning and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for understanding and working with numbers.

CCAT Number Series



Number Puzzles

The number puzzle questions give an equation with digits on either side of an equal sign, and one of the number missing. The task is then to select the correct number from the options to make the equation true


Grade 2 – 3 Number Puzzles

Number Analogies

The CCAT Quantitative Battery – Number Analogies section assesses your ability to understand numerical relationships and patterns. This section tests your quantitative reasoning skills, which are crucial for solving problems that involve numbers and mathematical concepts.

Example Questions

Number Analogies practice – Grades 2 & 3

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Date Published: Tuesday, April 12th, 2022
Date Modified: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025