Welder practice questions similar to Red Seal or AWS, prepared by our dedicated team of exam experts. This is a challenging test and getting the proper test prep is critical to passing!
Practice with over 120 practice questions with full answer key and explanation.
Practice test questions include:Â
- Submerged arc welding
- Common Occupational Skills
- Fabrication of welding components
- Oxy-fuel gas cutting
- Plasma arc cutting
- Air carbon arc cutting
- Shielded metal arc cutting
- Gas metal arc and metal cored arc welding
- Gas tungsten arc welding
- And a lot more!
Practice Makes Perfect
Really! The more questions you see, the more likely you are to pass the test. And between our study guide and practice tests, you’ll have over 120 practice questions that cover every category.  You can fine-tune your knowledge in areas where you feel comfortable and be more efficient in improving your problem areas.
Our test has been developed by our dedicated team of experts. All the material in the study guide, including every practice question, is designed to engage the critical thinking skills that are needed to pass the welder test.
Maybe you have read this kind of thing before, and maybe feel you don’t need it, and you are not sure if you are going to buy this book. Remember though, it only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students. Even if our test tips increase your score by a few percentage points, isn’t that worth it?
Why not do everything you can to get the best score on the welder test?
James –
good really helped
Jack –
helpful! just downloaded – seems to cover everything
Rob –
good preview of the test – very helpful