Medical Terminology Practice Questions I
- Posted by Brian Stocker MA
- Date February 7, 2012
- Comments 4 comments

Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology questions are common on these exams, Registered Medical Assistant (RMA), Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) exams.
See also our post on Medical Abbreviations and Anatomy and Physiology Questions
Practice Questions
1. The greek root -pepsia means
a. Disease.
b. Digestion.
c. Respiration.
d. Vision.
2. The Greek root -apathy means,
a. Disease.
b. Viruses.
c. Bacteria.
d. Fever.
3. The Latin root abdomin- means related to the,
a. The appendix.
b. The abdomen area.
c. The larynx
d. The lungs.
4. The Greek and Latin root aort means related to
a. The arteries.
b. The arms.
c. The aorta.
d. The anvil.
5. The Greek root brachi means related to
a. The arm.
b. The back.
c. The mouth.
d. The leg.
6. Which Greek root means artery?
a. Arto-
b. Artra-
c. Arteri-
d. Arturi-
7. Which Latin root means back?
a. Spina-
b. Dors-
c. Backial-
d. Cyst-
8. The Latin root allic- means relating to
a. The calf.
b. The little toe.
c. The big toe.
d. The ankle.
9. The Greek root cyst(o)- means relating to
a. The bladder.
b. The blood.
c. The spine.
d. The brain.
10. The Greek root hemat- means relating to
a. The head.
b. The heart.
c. The blood.
d. The lungs.
11. What Greek root means relating to blood clots?
a. Thromb(o)-
b. Angio-
c. Somat-
d. Cysto-
Answer Key
1. B
The greek root -pepsia means digestion. A sample word is dyspepsia.
2. A
The Greek root -apathy means disease. Examples include homeopathy and naprapathy.
3. B
The Latin root abdomin- means the abdomen area. An example is abdominal.
4. C
The Greek and Latin root aort means aorta.
5. A
The Greek root brachi means arm. For example, brachium (i.e., the upper arm).
6. C
The Greek root arteri means artery. For xample, arteriosclerosis and arteries.
7. B
The Latin root dors- means back. For example, dorsal and dorsum.
8. C
The Latin root allic- means big toe.
9. A
The Greek root cyst(o)- means bladder. For example, Cystectomy, a procedure to remove the bladder.
10. C
The Greek root hemat- means blood. For example, Hemophilia, a blood-coagulation disorder.
12. A
The Greek root thromb(o)- means blood clot. For example, thrombosis, the formation of a blood clot.
Most Common Medical Terminology Terms on a Test
Anatomy Terms
- Anterior (ventral) – Front of the body
- Posterior (dorsal) – Back of the body
- Lateral – Away from the midline of the body
- Medial – Toward the midline of the body
- Proximal – Closer to the point of attachment
- Distal – Further from the point of attachment
- Superior (cranial) – Toward the head
- Inferior (caudal) – Away from the head
Physiology Terms
- Homeostasis – The maintenance of stable internal conditions
- Metabolism – The chemical processes that occur within a living organism
- Catabolism – The breakdown of complex molecules
- Anabolism – The synthesis of complex molecules
Pathology Terms
- Inflammation – The body’s response to injury or infection
- Infection – Invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
- Edema – Swelling caused by excess fluid in tissues
- Ischemia – Reduced blood flow to tissues
- Necrosis – Death of tissue
Diagnostic Terms
- Biopsy – Removal of tissue for diagnostic examination
- Cytology – Study of cells
- Histology – Study of tissues
- Radiology – Use of imaging to diagnose diseases
- Endoscopy – Use of an endoscope to examine the interior of a hollow organ
Medical Specialties
- Cardiology – Study of the heart and its functions
- Dermatology – Study of the skin
- Gastroenterology – Study of the digestive system
- Neurology – Study of the nervous system
- Oncology – Study of tumors (cancer)
- Orthopedics – Study of the musculoskeletal system
- Pediatrics – Medical care of infants, children, and adolescents
Procedural Terms
- Arthroscopy – Visual examination of a joint
- Laparoscopy – Visual examination of the abdominal cavity
- Thoracotomy – Incision into the chest cavity
- Tracheostomy – Surgical creation of an opening into the trachea
Pharmacology Terms
- Analgesic – Medication to relieve pain
- Antibiotic – Medication to treat bacterial infections
- Anticoagulant – Medication to prevent blood clotting
- Antihypertensive – Medication to lower blood pressure
- Diuretic – Medication to increase urine production
General Medical Terms
- Acute – Sudden onset, severe
- Chronic – Long-lasting condition
- Benign – Non-cancerous
- Malignant – Cancerous
- Congenital – Present at birth
- Idiopathic – Unknown cause
- Prognosis – The likely course of a disease
- Remission – Period during which symptoms of a disease are reduced or disappear
Date Published: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012
Date Modified: Tuesday, July 9th, 2024
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it is a ig help to a new student. thx
Glad that you are finding it useful!
Thanx for the awesome work sheets. Very helpful in prepping for an exam.
I needed to brush up on my terminology, thanks it was a big help