Synonym Practice Questions with Answer Key
- Posted by Brian Stocker MA
- Date May 9, 2014
- Comments 20 comments

- a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language
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Synonym Practice
1. Select the synonym of peculiar.
a. New
b. Strange
c. Imaginative
d. Funny
2. Select the synonym of tippet.
a. Necktie
b. Shawl
c. Sweater
d. Blouse
3. Select the synonym of vivid.
a. Glamorous
b. Bountiful
c. Varied
d. Brilliant
4. Select the synonym of semblance.
a. Personality
b. Image
c. Attitude
d. ambition
5. Select the synonym of impregnable.
a. Unconquerable
b. Impossible
c. Unlimited
d. Imperfect
6. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Jargon and Slang
b. Slander and Plagiarism
c. Devotion and Devout
d. Current and Outdated
7. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Render and Give
b. Recognition and Cognizant
c. Covering and Apparel
d. Adjust and Redo
8. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Private and Public
b. Intrusive and Invasive
c. Mysterious and Unknown
d. Common – Unique
9. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Renowned and Popular
b. Guard and Safe
c. Aggressive and Shy
d. Curtail and Avoid
10. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Brevity and Ambiguous
b. Fury and Light-hearted
c. Incoherent and Jumbled
d. benign and malignant
11. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Congenial and Pleasant
b. Distort and Similar
c. Valuable and Rich
d. Asset and Liability
12. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Circumstance and Plan
b. Negotiate and Scheme
c. Ardent and Whimsical
d. Plight and Situation
13. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Berate and Criticize
b. Unspoken and Unknown
c. Tenet and Favor
d. Turf and Seashore
14. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Adequate and Inadequate
b. Sate and Satisfy
c. Sufficient and Lacking
d. Spectator and Teacher
15. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Pensive and Alibi
b. Terminate and End
c. Plot and Point
d. Jaded and Honest
Answer Key
1. B
Peculiar and strange are synonyms.
2. B
Tippet and shawl are synonyms.
3. D
Vivid and brilliant are synonyms.
4. B
Semblance and image are synonyms.
5. A
Impregnable and unconquerable are synonyms.
6. A
Jargon and slang are synonyms.
7. A
Render and give are synonyms.
8. B
Intrusive and invasive are synonyms.
9. A
Renowned and popular are synonyms.
10. C
Incoherent and jumbled are synonyms.
11. A
Congenial and pleasant are synonyms.
12. D
Plight and situation are synonyms.
13. A
Berate and criticize are synonyms.
14. B
Sate and satisfy are synonyms.
15. B
Terminate and end are synonyms.
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Common Mistakes on a Vocabulary Test
Incorrect Usage. One common mistake is using a word incorrectly or choosing a word with similar spelling or pronunciation. Read the instructions and the choices to select the correct word that fits the context. More on How to Take a Test
Incorrect Spelling. Pay attention to spelling, especially tricky or irregular spellings. Double-check your answers for spelling mistakes.
Confusing synonyms and antonyms. Words that may appear similar can have different meanings or opposite meanings. Synonyms are the SAME meaning, antonyms are the opposite.
Context Counts. Look for clues in the sentence or passage that give the meaning of a word. Some words may have different meanings depending on the context. Avoid overgeneralizing or oversimplifying the meanings of words.
How to Study for a Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary tests become increasingly discouraging when you think of the enormous number of words that might come up in the exam. As the exam date draws near, your anxiety will grow because you know that no matter how many words you memorize, chances are, you will still remember so few. Here are some tips which you can use to hurdle the big words that may come up in your exam without having to open the dictionary and memorize all the words known to man. Learn More >>>
Date Published: Friday, May 9th, 2014
Date Modified: Thursday, June 13th, 2024
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Listening Comprehension Practice – Solving a Problem

7. Choose the synonym pair.
a. Render and Give
b. Recognition and Cognizant
c. Stem and Root
d. Adjust and Redo
Recognition is an awareness or acknowledgment of something. Cognizant is also an awareness of something.
He recognizes that there are political limitations in the development plan = he is cognizant of political limitations for the development plan.
Recognition and Cognizant are not exactly the same – to recognize and to have knowledge of, are different. They are very close though! Render and Give, choice A is the BEST choice.
Render and give are also not exactly same….
That is not really the point though. Recognition is the act of acknowledging a fact or circumstance, cognizant is the state of mind of knowing something. One is a verb and one is an adjective.
I believe it is correct.
Render – verb – to provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
Give – verb – to freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to.
Render could also mean to cause or become something. For example: A hole in the bucket rendered it useless.
Yes – Render has several meanings as do all of the choices -that is still the best choice.
For the question 12 it says the answer is plight and situation. plight is a difficult situation which I agree makes it similar to a situation, but in that context negotiate and scheme are also a plausible answer for that question seeing as to negotiate is to find a solution or agreement to a problem and to scheme is to make a plan to solve a problem. in other words to find an agreement to a problem.
It just does not add up to me so please help me understand.
thanks for your sharp eye. Negotiate and scheme are different.
To negotiate is to try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others. Scheme is related to plan. A scheme is a plan or arrangement, or, it is to make plans, but not to find an agreement. You may, of course, negotiate on a scheme, which is to reach an agreement about a plan – but they are different things.
Thanks you for making this test. It really helps us to write Aptitude Test(s) for various job occasions.
Choice B is the best choice.
Intrusive – causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited.
Invasive – (especially of plants or a disease) tending to spread prolifically and undesirably or harmfully.
Question 8 puzzles me. To be intrusive is to cause grievance in an unwelcome manner, and to be invasive is to go somewhere one is not welcomed to go. (Go to a place, go to read something not belonging to you etc.) While they are similar, they don’t seem as similar as:
Mysterious: To be a mystery, to be unknown or unheard of.
Unknown: To be not known or unheard of or unfamiliar.
The definition of Mystery has ‘To be unknown’ as a description within it. Surely choice ‘C’ makes the most sense?
Not quite – the definitions you are suggesting are now quite right – they are similar but choice B is the BEST choice.
Mysterious – difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.
Unknown – not known or familiar.
Plight and situation are most definitely not synonyms.
I like how people argue so much about the little things
7 and 8 They both are EXTREMELY confusing
how are state and satisfy synonyms? I feel like the answers to these questions should be answered by a simple google search of ” state synonyms” but satisfy will not come up.
SATE (not STATE) and Satisfy are synonyms
if a person does not know the meaning of a word, are there any other ways that he/she could find out what the answer could be?
the best way to learn vocabulary is to learn suffix, prefix and root or stem words – usually but not always you can guess from those