Imagine taking a test and then hearing a loud “CRUNCH,” just to see the student in front of you biting into raw broccoli Or you look over and see someone eating walnuts while marking off their exam. You wonder, “What …
Doing well on exams may not be enough anymore. You need to graduate with marks that wow, dazzle and sparkle. Standardized testing is currently how comparisons are made among schools and between students. As a student you are in control …
Going into my senior year, one could assume that I am well experienced in the subject of test-taking, yet if anything, life has taught me that one can always learn more. My recent conversation with a friend helped me to …
I read online before my first year of college that using blue pen, instead of black, while taking notes will improve memory and help you retain more of the information you write down. The reason behind this is the simple …
Clustering: The Science-Backed Method of Information Simplification As an undergraduate student pursuing a career in cognitive neuroscience, I have been faced with overwhelming amounts of complex information throughout my studies. Taking courses mainly in psychology, biology, and statistics, I’ve had …
These are probably some of the most complex materials out there. Let’s face it – it can be difficult and sometimes “it just sucks to learn this stuff”. However, there are lots of ways to make your biology study life …
An inverse function (or anti-function) is a function that “reverses” another function: if the function f applied to an input x, and gives a result of y, then the inverse function g, applied to y, gives the result x, and …
Basic linear inequalities have one of the following forms: ax + b > 0 ax + b < 0 ax + b > 0 ax + b < 0 where a and b are some real numbers. Our solution to …
How to Take a Test — the Basics How to Take a Test – 2 Common Mistakes on a Test – and how to avoid them! Written by, Brian Stocker MA., Complete Test Preparation Inc. Date Published: Monday, March 4th, …
Question 1 (easy): The volume of a pool is 7V liters. A tap pours out y/4 liters of water per minute. Which of the following is the correct expression showing the time in minutes needed to fill 1/5 of the …