
Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Exam Test Preparation - Formerly Canadian Graduation Equivalency Degree, General Educational Development (GED)

About the Test

As of May 3, 2024, the Canadian GED test is no longer available replaced by the new Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC).

Like the GED, the CAEC is for adults who do not have a high school diploma and need an education credential. Similar to the GED, Ontario candidates who successfully complete the CAEC will get an Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate.

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Got Questions about the CAEC?

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What is on the CAEC?

• Writing
• Reading
• Mathematics
• Social studies
• Science

GED Practice

Thank you for your excellent lessons. We the students from New Blood School thank you again. Now we are studying to take GED exam. Please visit our school if possible.

I got this guide a few days before my exam. Definitely worth it for the exam!

very helpful review for all kinds of things I had forgotten or never really paid attention! I had to re-learning a lot and picked up some useful test tips thanks!

Get Started Today!

PDF Download     —     Online Course   —   Amazon Paperback

Non-profit or Volunteer Organization

If you are a non-profit or volunteer organization we can provide your with test preparation materials at no cost. Please contact us with information about your organization.

Written by,

Date Published: Wednesday, January 21st, 2015
Date Modified: Friday, November 8th, 2024


  1. querin cruz
    January 16, 2018

    Hi, I´m not really sure if I understand, but does the person need to be a native American or a Canadian citizen to be able to take this test? Or can it be anyone from around the world?. Thank you.


  2. Brian
    January 18, 2018

    Hello – Anyone can take the test – There is a Canadian GED and a US version of the test.

  3. Nikita
    August 19, 2022

    Where can I attempt to take this test.

  4. Leon
    February 16, 2018

    Hey, I was curious about if this was an online test or if i go to a place in my city for it? How long is prep usually for the test? I am also getting an educational evaluation soon enough, if i come up to have a learning disability is there aids in place for me ?

  5. Brian
    February 18, 2018

    Hello – you cannot take the GED online! Any website that offers a GED certificate online is a fraud. Your test preparation time will depend on how well you understand the material. Yes there are accommodations for student with disability/challenges. Talk to your school or college.

  6. Karen Cook
    January 21, 2019

    Thank You Brian Im thankful I reviewed and realized you cannot take the GED online thank you

  7. Anonymous
    April 10, 2023

    you can at a testing centre but not from home you will have the choice of either computer base or paper

  8. Mehedi
    February 22, 2018

    Hello from BD. As I have no High school certificate, can I have the test even if I’m not resident of Canada?

  9. Brian
    February 26, 2018

    Yes. The certificate that you obtain will only be valid in Canada though.

  10. Rica Primo
    April 25, 2018

    Is there any GED test service in British Columbia?

  11. Tom
    May 2, 2018

    How long would I have to been dropped out of school for to take the GED?

  12. Faramarz Sepehr
    May 5, 2018

    Can GED be used to obtain Canadian College or University admission ?

  13. Brian
    May 7, 2018

    The GED is the equivalent of High School and most Colleges and Universities require High School.

  14. Anonymous
    December 21, 2022

    Can I take the test online or do I need to go the testing centre to take the GED test?

  15. December 21, 2022

    You must go to the test center. Practice online though!

  16. Harman
    May 22, 2018

    can immigrants in Canada take GED

  17. Francesca Thomas
    May 30, 2018

    In the above comments you state that the GED exams can be taken at age 16 in Canada. Ontario raised the school leaving age to 18, and it is my understanding that Ontario residents cannot take the GED until after they turn 18. If the other provinces still allow their students to sit the GED at age 16, then this is discrimination. Is there any way of taking the GED exams in Ontario before one turns 18 years old? Thank you.

  18. Brian
    May 30, 2018

    Thanks for the feedback – I have updated the page with a partial list of ages and provinces – Looks like you have to be 18 or 19 in Canada.

  19. Winnie Custodio
    July 6, 2018

    Very informative content. Passing the GED test unlocks doors of opportunities that were once closed. It can significantly improves an individual’s life in terms of their further education and career. More or less 3 months of test prep suffices for one to get a good score in the GED, and studying for it has to be taken seriously.

  20. Mary
    July 19, 2018

    When I get ged can I enter the faculty of engineering and study computer engineering Without a high school diploma ? , and which universities accept this certificate in Canada?

  21. Brian
    July 19, 2018

    The GED is the same as a high school diploma – any College or University will accept the GED. There are different GED for Canada and the US

  22. Jewel Dobrzanska
    March 12, 2020

    Oh my word! How can you say this!!?? No, you will definitely not be accepted into university with a GED anywhere in Canada. To answer Mary’s question correctly, no, engineering is very competitive and even with a proper high school diploma, you must have around 86% – 92% to be accepted in all areas of math, physics, chemistry, calculus — even native English Canadians have to obtain an 80% in the highest level English to gain entrance into university. A GED will NOT work with any university in Canada at all, but may work at some technical institutions. WOW! It is NOT the same as a high school diploma. Do you really think that studying 10 hours a day over three years to obtain high admission averages in physics, chemistry, calculus and English is the equivalent to studying three months for five subjects? The universities also know this. So, NO! You can work at 7-11 with a GED or an ice cream shop. You may be able to get into some trades, that’s it.

  23. Anonymous
    September 14, 2021

    With the GED, you can get into universities. It can also get you into colleges for courses like business management and courses like project manager courses.
    Universities know that it is impossible for people over the age of 19 (rough guess) to obtain a high school diploma. All they want is your money.

  24. Anonymous
    February 17, 2023

    As a GED instructor here in Edmonton, Alberta I would like prospective test takers to know that the GED is not a High School Diploma and if you wish to enter a post-secondary institution, you will need to do some upgrading at a local college. Many of my students complete their upgrading and enter programs at a local college and some students have even transfer credits to attend university. Getting the GED means a longer route to university or college, but it is not a 7-11 or an ice cream shop certification!

  25. Richard Addo
    August 17, 2018

    Hello, I want to know if I can take the GED from outside Canada, like taking it online or something like that? And if no, is there anything like that an international student can take?

  26. Shelley
    September 3, 2018

    How can test myself before exam with the same exam as taken when you take ged exam in class.

  27. Brian
    September 3, 2018

    Unfortunately not! Nobody has the exact same questions and they change all the time. You can practice with similar questions though

  28. Pamela
    October 7, 2018

    I am very interested in this opportunity.
    I do need my highschool certificate as I only have one credit for grade 12.

  29. Christian
    November 8, 2018

    I am wondering what kind of math is in the GED, I am looking to get into an apprentice ship but some of the programs require math 20 or math 30. Would I need to upgrade my math since I just finished my GED or do I already qualify.

  30. Brian
    November 14, 2018

    Hello – you can see GED Math here = https://test-preparation.cacanadian-ged/ged-math-practice/

  31. Judy Adams
    January 7, 2019

    The GED Math is at the level of about late Grade 9 academic. Engineering probably requires pre-calculus, which is quite a bit beyond this level.

  32. Asawir
    November 14, 2018

    I just wanted know that what is the scope of American GED in Canada.. I am doing American GED in thailand and I will be going to Canada in future.. Will it help me or not

  33. Lynett
    November 22, 2018

    Just wondering if you score 410 will you still pass your exam, or will it be a fail?

  34. Jane
    January 11, 2019

    Hey. I have passed my English, English essay and Science in Canada back in 2015.
    I’m currently living in the United States. Is it possible I can take Math and Social Studies here in the US, and still receive my GED diploma? I know it sounds stupid but I’d hate to take everything over again.

  35. Faye
    March 25, 2019

    Hi, I was short by only a few credits from Graduating High school and now 20 years later it is still something I am very embarrassed about. Is it possible to do my Canadian GED on line and be able to further my education with it?

  36. Brian Stocker
    March 25, 2019

    Hello – you can PRACTICE the GED online but you can’t TAKE the GED online

  37. valerie
    June 9, 2023

    If you’re only a few credits short of your high school diploma, you might be better off doing adult highschool credits and getting your grade 12. Contact your local school board and see what your options are.

  38. susan
    December 5, 2019

    can i take the tests online or i hv 2 take it on a campus?

  39. Brian Stocker
    December 5, 2019

    hi – there are no online GED for certification – lots of online PRACTICE tests to prepare you for the real thing — see our online GED practice APP here

  40. Anon
    January 16, 2020

    I thought one has to study each subject online, then book an appointment for the exam (GED Cert). I’m confused. How is one supposed to study? In highschool you have books to study from for each subject, like Math, Science, English and etc. What am I supposed to do here; just do the practice exam and hope I can wing it? Very confused, someone please clarify. I’m willing to buy the materials (books and etc. on each subject) to study and prepare, but on this website I can’t find any info about studying.
    Thank you.

  41. Brian Stocker
    January 16, 2020

    Hi – yes practice each subject and that will prepare you for the real thing. If you do poorly on the practice questions, then go through the tutorials either here online or in the book or course. Then try again. Once you can get through the practice questions on each subject with a good mark, then you are ready to try the real thing! good luck!

  42. Jennifer
    February 11, 2020

    Hi there.I was just wondering what the max. age that we can get our g.e.d.

  43. razia
    April 3, 2020

    Hi there, is there any free website that I can practice my reading test, please and thank you.

  44. Brian Stocker
    April 4, 2020

    Lots of reading comprehension practice here –

  45. Belinda
    April 16, 2020

    Hi Brian ~ Is there a restriction on the age that one has to be to study and write to obtain their G.E.D.? Can seniors study for the exam? Thanks so much for your help. Stay well and Stay safe.

  46. Didar
    June 27, 2020

    Dear Mr. Brain,

    Have a great day ahead, Would you please kindly tell me if, I achieve a GED from the UAE is it going to accepted by Canada Immigration?

  47. Ken
    November 15, 2020

    You don’t need a high-school diploma to work in trades . Like if you want to be a sparky yeah. That was condescending as ****. I have a grade 9 education im 34 make 90 grand a year . As a civil utilities pipe layer . No ged. Yet universities maybe won’t accept ged do a year or two of general studies.

  48. Brian Stocker
    November 15, 2020

    That is great if you can make that kind of $$ I am all for making money – the problem is and what you want to watch out for is maybe you are 45 and you get fired, made redundant, replaced by a younger guy (etc. etc. or 100 other things could happen) then you have no job no money and no education. If you don’t look out – you can end up in a really bad situation and that happens to tons of guys.

    Yes universities do accept GED.

  49. June 15, 2022

    Hello, I want to take this exam (GED) where should I go to take it, thank you

  50. Grey
    December 4, 2022

    I was schoolled in the US and don’t know a lot of the Canadian history. Is there a US version available to take in Canada or do I have to take the Canadian version?

  51. Stephen King
    January 17, 2023

    Is there someplace online to practice for the tests in Ontario? I am looking for one that tests your basic knowledge for each test.

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