Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Practice Questions
Canadian CAEC Online Practice
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About the Test
As of May 3, 2024, the Canadian GED test is no longer available replaced by the new Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC).
Like the GED, the CAEC is for adults who do not have a high school diploma and need an education credential. Similar to the GED, Ontario candidates who successfully complete the CAEC will get an Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate.
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CAEC Reading
The CAEC reading section has 50 reading questions. Below is a detailed list of the types of questions that generally appear on the test.
- Draw logical conclusions
- Identify the main idea
- Identify secondary ideas
- Identify the author’s intent
Why Reading Comprehension is Important:
Reading comprehension is critical for success in education, such as college or vocational programs.
Critical Thinking – On the Canadian CAEC, you are asked to draw inferences, identify main ideas, and assess the validity of arguments, as well as analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information which are all valuable critical thinking skill.
Solving Problems – reading comprehension skills are important in many real-life situations, such as reading instructions, understanding contracts, or analyzing data in the workplace.
Communication – Reading comprehension is a foundation for effective written and verbal communication. The CAEC tests your ability to comprehend and respond to written communication effectively.
Your Career – Many (or most) careers require that you read and understand technical manuals, industry-specific texts, or regulations and other written material. Good reading comprehension skills open job opportunities and career advancement.
Recommended Reading Practice
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CAEC Mathematics
The CAEC mathematics section has 50 questions. Below is a list of the likely math topics likely to appear on the CAEC.
- Solve word problems
- Calculate percent and ratio
- Operations using fractions, percent and fractions
- Simple geometry and measurement
- Data analysis, basic statistics and probability
- Operations with polynomials
- Exponents
- Solving Inequalities
- Linear equations with one variable
- Solving quadratic equations
- Solving Binomials
- Coordinate geometry
- Solutions of inequalities
- Area, perimeter and volume
- Pythagorean geometry
Recommended Math Practice
Math practice questions, tutorials, and math workbook CAEC Math Practice Questions here
Why Basic Math is important
Everyday Life Basic math skills are essential for everyday life, for example, managing finances, making purchases, calculating discounts, budgeting expenses, and various household tasks.
Workplace Basic Math is used every day in many or most jobs, from calculating work hours, measuring ingredients in a kitchen, or handling inventory in a retail store, math is a fundamental skill in the workplace.
Furthering your Education If you are thinking of post-secondary education or vocational training, or your employer requires, you will need basic math skills.
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
Managing your Finances Understanding interest rates, loans, investments, and budgeting all rely on basic math skills.
How to Write an Essay
The CAEC has 1 persuasive essay
How to Answer Essay Questions – the Ultimate Guide
How to Study for an Essay Exam
Preparing for an Essay Exam
Essay Exam Glossary
CAEC Social Studies
The CAEC Social Studies section has 50 social studies questions. Below is a detailed list of the types of social studies questions that generally appear on the CAEC.
- Draw logical conclusions
- Identify the main idea
- Identify secondary ideas
- Identify the author’s intent
Recommended Social Studies Practice
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CAEC Science
The Science section has 20 questions. Below is a list of the likely science topics likely to appear on the test.
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Life Science
- Earth Science
- Space Science
Recommended Science Practice
How to Answer Different Types of Questions
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Date Published: Wednesday, January 21st, 2015
Date Modified: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025