Free Analogies Practice! Can you Answer them All?
- Posted by Brian Stocker MA
- Date November 25, 2011
- Comments 12 comments
The Same? Or Different?
Analogies are test questions where a pair of words are given, and you are asked to choose another pair with the same relationship. For more help answering Analogies, or Verbal Analogies as they are sometimes called, see our Analogies Tutorial.

Practice Questions
1. Nest : Bird
a. Cave : bear
b. flower : petal
c. window : house
d. dog : basket
2. Teacher : School
a. Businessman : Money
b. Waitress : Restaurant
c. Dentist : Tooth
d. Fish : Water
3. pebble : boulder
a. pond : ocean
b. river: rapids
c. fish : elephant
d. feather : bird
4. Poodle : Dog
a. great white : shark
b. dalmatian : great dane
c. money : stock market
d. horse : pony
5. fox : chicken
a. rat : mouse
b. cat : mouse
c. dog : cat
d. rabbit : hen
6. lawyer : trial
a. plumber : pipe
b. businessman : secretary
c. doctor : operation
d. hairdresser : blow dryer
FREE Interactive Analogies Quiz
Answer Key
1. A
This is a Functional relationship. A Bird lives in a nest, the way way a bear lives in a cave.
2. B
This is a functional relationship. A teacher works in a school in the same way a waitress works in a restaurant.
3. A
This is a Degree relationship. A boulder is a very large pebble – both are rocks, in the same way an ocean is a very large pond – both are very bodies of water.
4. A
This is a type relationship. A poodle is a type of dog in the same way a great white is a type of shark.
5. B
This is a predator/prey relationship. Foxes eat chickens in the same way as cats eat mice.
6. C
This is a functional relationship. A lawyer defends a client in a trial in the same way a doctor performs an operation on a patient.
Wikipedia has a section on Analogies which is interesting but a little technical. has a good section with practice analogy questions and commentary.

Common Analogy Mistakes on a Test – Audio
Common Mistakes Answering Analogy Questions
Confusing synonyms with antonyms
Synonyms are the same, antonyms are the opposite. If the analogy is “Happy : Joyful,” (relationship is synonyms) and you choose “Sad : Happy” it’s incorrect because “Sad” is an antonym of “Happy,” not a synonym.
Focusing on surface-level similarities
If the analogy is “Cat : Feline,” both are animals (surface-level similarity) BUT both are felines too, which is a closer and more direct relationship. If you choose “Dog” as the answer, it’s incorrect because “Dog” is not a feline, even though both are animals.
Not reading the question carefully
This is a common mistake on every type of question, not just analogies. For example, if the analogy is “Fire : Burn,” (cause-effect relationship) and you choose “Water,” it is incorrect. “Water” is related in some way, but he primary relationship here is cause and effect.
This is the most powerful technique on ANY type of multiple choice question. Eliminate obviously incorrect answers. More on how to answer multiple choice.
Date Published: Friday, November 25th, 2011
Date Modified: Monday, September 9th, 2024
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Lots of helpful information. Thanks!
i agree this is a good quiz
Thanks for the good writeup.
Coffee Shops have Barista’s not waitresses. No coffee shop has table service these days.
good point! I’ll correct!
Very helpful! Thanks.
Thanks for the learning tools,
add some more.
It is the one the best websites for tests.
You make it easy Hope i pass the exam
Please send us more example of this, it give me more knowledge and information about this…..thank you and GOD BLESS.
Starbucks may refer to their staff as “Barista’s” but not all coffee shops do. There are some coffee shops that still have table service.
This is an amazing website i learned so much.