
Ironworkers Aptitude Practice Tests


What’s on the Test

The Ironworker Aptitude Test has 3 sections – Reading Comprehension,  Algebra and mechanical comprehension

Free Ironworkers Test Practice

Reading Comprehension

Why Reading Comprehension is Important 

Ironworkers use various written materials, such as blueprints, construction plans, safety guidelines, and project specifications, which they must comprehend and interpret accurately, in their daily job duties. Reading comprehension skills enable ironworkers to understand and follow instructions, identify potential hazards, and ensure that tasks are completed correctly according to specific guidelines.

Reading comprehension is essential for acquiring new knowledge and skills, as well as staying up-to-date with industry-related information and new developments. Ironworkers need to read and understand technical manuals, equipment specifications, and industry regulations to enhance their skills, expand their knowledge base, and adapt to new technologies and practices in the field.


Reading Comprehension test usually cover:

  • Finding specific information in a passage – the information may be stated directly or implied
  • Meaning of words from the context
  • Drawing conclusions from the information in the passage


Why Algebra is important

Algebra is utilized for calculations, problem-solving, and understanding geometric principles. Ironworkers often encounter mathematical tasks that involve measurements, calculations of angles and distances, determining load capacities, and interpreting technical diagrams and blueprints.

Algebra allows ironworkers to solve equations, manipulate formulas, and perform mathematical operations involving variables, coefficients, and constants. These skills are essential for analyzing and interpreting mathematical expressions and equations commonly encountered in daily job tasks. They enable ironworkers to calculate dimensions, quantities, and proportions, as well as make adjustments or modifications to plans and specifications.

College Level math includes:

  •  Algebra
  • Quadratics
  • Polynomials and monomials
  • Solution of equations with 1 and 2 variables
  • Algebraic applications
  • Trigonometry
  • Functions
  • Inequalities

Ironworkers Practice Study Course With Practice Questions

Prepare for your Ironworker entrance exam with our comprehensive study guide, featuring practice questions and detailed explanations to enhance your skills and boost your confidence.  Also includes quizzes, timed tests, tutorials, self assessments and more!

Reading comprehension, basic math, algebra and mechanical comprehension

Online Course  —  PDF Download Version  —  Paperback Version   (Amazon)


Why Basic Math is Important

Basic math skills are essential for a wide range of tasks ironworkers perform on a daily basis, such as measuring, calculating, and mathematical concepts related to angles, dimensions, quantities, and proportions. They need to be able to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division accurately and efficiently. Proficiency in basic math allows ironworkers to work with numerical values, make calculations for cutting, shaping, and assembling materials, and ensure precise measurements and alignments.

Basic math skills are necessary for interpreting and understanding numerical information present in blueprints, construction plans, and technical specifications. Ironworkers must be able to comprehend numerical data, such as dimensions, quantities, and load capacities. Basic math enables them to make calculations, conversions, and estimations based on the provided numerical information.

Basic math, or High School Math includes:

  • Fractions
  • Percent
  • Decimals
  • Basic number operation
  • Word Problems

Basic Math Practice

Exponents – 8 questions
Basic Math – 10 questions
Basic Math 2 – 10 questions
Word Problems Tutorial
Percent – 18 questions
Fractions, Percent and Decimals – 14 questions
Scientific Notation – Complete Tutorial and 6 questions
Order of Operation – 6 questions

Basic Math Video Tutorials

Mechanical Comprehension

Questions may include:

  • Gears and gearing
  • Levers and pulleys
  • Basic physics
  • Circuits
  • Pendulum
  • Magnets

Ironworkers Practice Study Course With Practice Questions

Prepare for your Ironworker entrance exam with our comprehensive study guide, featuring practice questions and detailed explanations to enhance your skills and boost your confidence.  Also includes quizzes, timed tests, tutorials, self assessments and more!

Reading comprehension, basic math, algebra and mechanical comprehension

Online Course  —  PDF Download Version  —  Paperback Version   (Amazon)

Written by,

Date Published: Tuesday, March 24th, 2020
Date Modified: Monday, November 18th, 2024

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    1 Comment

  1. Anonymous
    January 2, 2023

    Are electronics on the test?

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